An Unexpected Journey
Charity from Canada. Studying a Bachelor of Science and Nursing at JCU (James Cook University), Townsville Campus
The greatest things that come to be are the ones that are unexpected. I can’t believe that it has been one full year since landing here in Townsville. When talking to my friends and community they always talk about old stories as if I have been here for over 3 years. They always start of by staying, “Charity weren’t you there when this happened?” or You’ve been here a while you’re basically an Aussie”. It is then I remind them that it has been a full year of being meeting them or being in Australia. In such a short time I have been able to make and develop a life here where unexpectedly I have built forever-friendships, community and chosen family.
I choose to study in Townsville because I originally wanted to be closer to my sister who also did her undergrad at JCU, but when looking deep into my heart the ultimate reason I chose Townsville was because I wanted a fresh start, I wanted adventure and I was choosing life instead of living in fear and staying in my comfortableness. While my life may have seemed perfect back home in Canada, at that time I had the dream job, dream friends, and dream man but deep down I knew that I was meant for more. I believe that I was in this loop of happiness that indeed everyone desires but with time I notice I had no challenge and my purpose was coming to end. I began to notice that I was not pushing myself further in the abilities I believe I possessed. Looking back now deep in my heart I’ve always had a sense of adventure and a passion to pursue my dreams with a higher education. At the time I was scared to lose everything I had and known. During this time, I asked myself if I was assured success and no growth, would I be ultimately happy with myself. This is the questions I asked myself constantly! Will I live in fear of the unknown or will I take the chance and walk blindly in faith? JCU in the last year has challenged me in more ways than I could have ever imagined, being honest some days have been extremely hard but more days are imageable and breath taking. In one year, I have been able to find passions that I didn’t know I had and could accomplish in such a short period of time, while continuing to pursue my academic goals and balancing my sense of adventure, building such a strong community and new friends. In this year things I had experienced in years and learned, I was able to feel and grow in one year alone. I took a chance and if I’m being honest, I would not change anything and I’m very glad I did, because I learned the unexpected journeys are the ones that change you forever.
In the time that I have to come to live on this earth I have learnt there is a time for everything. By taking that leap of faith and doing something I dreamed of with no fear I was able to discover what I am cable of doing. I learned that if I did not take chances, I will never know what could be and that there is no shame in going back to what was comfortable. Take that chance because if you asked me today, I have no regrets with the path I have taken and I know have options to where I can live. The unexpected can be the best thing you do!
December 2022
Photo Credit: Charity Mbugua